Dave’s Fables: Almost Free Marketing!

Dave Demonstrating Hello to Housekeeping StaffThe old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”, rings especially true in today’s competitive marketplace. Creating a gallery of visuals is a great place to start. 

Here are Three Steps that are very easy to do – especially on a non-existent marketing budget!

Step One – If you don’t currently have images from past projects or events, the time is now to make it part of your daily routine.  Digital images play a huge role for decision makers.

For years during my training events or speaking engagements, I took photos only when I felt it was an important moment – very random and certainly not consistent! In retrospect, all I was doing was filling my personal scrapbook with memories. I’ve found far better results by taking consistent “Before”, “During” and “After” shots from the same angle.  (Buy yourself a tripod)

The best, or most valuable photos often happen when least expected, especially the “during” shots, as these often become photographic evidence of the little things that produce legendary results. When leveraged correctly, these photos not only help decision makers choose who to partner with, but they can also assist in perfecting your trade.

Step Two of the almost free marketing plan – You must now display these photos for all to see.  Start by utilizing or “posting” to the world of social media. If you are not familiar with the social ecosystem, start with the basics like Facebook or Twitter… ask anyone under the age of 20 who has a smart phone and they will get you started!

Important Note – Step Two of this marketing plan is where the wheels often come off. Many with the best intentions start working very hard to find ways not to do this step…but it’s critical to keep regular postings high on your priority list.  Over time it will pay off.

The final step is what really sets you apart from your competition – Start Blogging. Video or written, everyone likes “proof to success” testimonials, “how to” or “how it’s done right” information. You will quickly find your ever-growing catalog as digital proof of why you are the right expert or provider and it can be utilized in many ways. This library is especially effective when turning prospects into sales opportunities. Hmm… (How to turn prospects into sales) there’s another blog that will soon be posted in my library…see how it works!

Would love to hear your thoughts or suggestions on how you or your organization gets the word out!

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