Digital Inquiry ServiceDrive Sales Through Timely Effective Responses

Signature Worldwide’s measurement service improves conversion of your digital leads and increases revenue for your business by assessing fulfillment of established lead generation success metrics.

Diagram of all digital lead sources

Identify Opportunities to Ensure Prompt Follow-up with Inbound Leads

A Web Lead, or Internet Lead/Inquiry, is generated by a prospect proactively submitting information on a web form, requesting to be contacted. Web Leads must be ‘nurtured’ by sales professionals through a strategy which aims to engage, motivate, and convert a prospect to a customer. Effective sales response strategies involve sending multiple emails, calling the prospect, or texting them, depending on where the lead is at in the sales funnel. Some companies find it difficult to monitor these activities and ultimately evaluate a prospect’s experience.

Create Accountability Within Your Team Responsible for Securing Sales from the Web

Signature Worldwide is pleased to offer a service that can help assess the critical follow up communications from your sales professionals by submitting sample leads (using special Web Lead Alias Profiles) and tracking subsequent attempts to contact a prospect via email, phone (voicemail) and text. This is a great accompaniment to traditional lead management reporting to verify lead generation strategy compliance and quality of messaging for development opportunities. Signature’s service will also confirm key elements of the digital form submission experience.

Asian man on corded phone while looking at computer screen.


Be on the leading edge with Signature’s Digital Lead Service.
By providing insights to the customer’s experience via our Digital Lead Service results, your sales team can:

  • Improve lead response times.
  • Establish ideal cadence for lead follow-up activities.
  • Enhance the quality and professionalism of messaging for more sales advancements.
  • Increase lead conversions and drive revenue.
Diagram of all of the benefits of Digital Lead Shops

Testimonial This Process Works For Us

High Hotels

"Signature’s Digital Lead Shop Program has shed light on one of the most important parts of our business, customer experience. We have seen lead to appointment rates increase by as much at 15% in some stores. It has provided the Halls Great Lakes region with visibility into how we are handling our web form leads. We have found numerous coaching opportunities to improve what we are saying, how and how often we are saying it. We are working to become a company that is available, receptive, and eager to connect with customers as quickly as possible. This has led to higher lead to appointment conversion rates in all of our 12 stores. I highly recommend this for other dealers to try."

Leah Hudson, Ohio/Michigan Area Marketing Manager
Hall’s Culligan Water
High Hotels

"Signature’s Digital Lead Shop Program has shed light on one of the most important parts of our business, customer experience. We have seen lead to appointment rates increase by as much at 15% in some stores. It has provided the Halls Great Lakes region with visibility into how we are handling our web form leads. We have found numerous coaching opportunities to improve what we are saying, how and how often we are saying it. We are working to become a company that is available, receptive, and eager to connect with customers as quickly as possible. This has led to higher lead to appointment conversion rates in all of our 12 stores. I highly recommend this for other dealers to try."

Leah Hudson, Ohio/Michigan Area Marketing Manager
Hall’s Culligan Water
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Ready to ensure your digital leads turn into revenue? Our digital lead shop service verify compliance with success metrics driving lead conversion.

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