Training Delivery Options

Convert and retain more customers with customer service and sales training that sticks.

Convert and retain more customers with customer service and sales training that sticks.

By investing in your team, you'll realize a lasting impact on sales conversion and customer satisfaction. At Signature Worldwide, we design training based on your business goals, specific needs and your team. Whether conducted onsite or virtual, self-paced or instructor-led, Signature teaches a simple formula for handling inquiries, improving caller experiences and selling more.

Training shouldn't be boring, which is why our programs are fun, engaging and inspiring. Engaging training sessions also help with buy-in and retention of the content and concepts. This, combined with continual reinforcement and measurement, ensures training sticks to maximize the investment in your team.

No matter your industry, Signature Worldwide has the ability and expertise to customize training to meet your needs.

Training Delivery Options

Instructor-Led On-Site Training

It's been proven that information taught during instructor-led training is retained better by participants. If you're looking to impact sales or service from day one, our instructor-led, onsite training will motivate your team to ask the right questions, engage your customers, provide exceptional service and drive more conversions. Our instructors come onsite to conduct the training programs. Highly interactive, these sessions include role play, small-group activities and one-to-one discussions. No matter your industry, our training is continually reinforced until it becomes integrated into daily routines through ongoing coaching and mystery shopping.

Instructor-Led Virtual Classroom

Virtual classrooms provide a cost-effective and flexible option that is especially ideal for disparate teams. These intimate, yet highly interactive online sessions offer the benefits of an instructor-led session. Virtual classrooms are intentionally kept small, so our experienced instructors can keep participants engaged. Participants gain skills, confidence and behavioral changes to perform at their best. Ongoing coaching and mystery shopping teaches them how to integrate their new skills into their daily routine, so you see the results.

See an example of how our virtual classroom works:

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Invest in your team by giving them the proper training and you'll maximize your business' potential. Get started.

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