Signature Spotlight: Norma Jarman

Norma JarmanSome of you may have had the pleasure of meeting the wonderful Norma Jarman live and in person, and for those of you who’ve yet to be blessed with her presence, don’t worry, let us make the first introduction! Norma is one of Signature’s talented and oh-so knowledgeable Training Account Managers who we’re thrilled to tell you all about in our first ever Signature Spotlight post.

Where’s your hometown?
Laredo Texas (Born in Nuevo Laredo Mexico)
Educational background:
El Paso Community College and Del Mar Community College in Corpus Christi TX
Tell us a little about yourself…and by a little, we mean a lot!
I am a huge Peanuts fan! I have a giant collection of memorabilia that takes up every space in my office. Since joining Signature in 2000, I have moved 4 times, and each time, my Peanuts collection was the first items to be packed, and the last items to be unpacked!
If you were a major league baseball player, what would be your ‘at-bat’ song and why?
Hmmm…I’m not really in to any sports, but I had to choose one ‘at bat’ song, I guess it would be Centerfield by John Fogerty. I am always up for a challenge, so when a new client, project or travel opportunity is presented to me, I respond wholeheartedly with ‘put me in coach!’                
Top 5 all-time favorite TV shows:
Seinfeld, Seinfeld, Seinfeld, Seinfeld and Seinfeld!! I know every word of every scene of every episode!! I have at least 1 Seinfeld moment each and every day of my life – somebody does or says something that I can tie back to a Seinfeld episode…I wait for it each day!
What keeps you excited about training…Norma traveling
I LOVE traveling! Ever since I was a little girl I have been a road warrior (I get it from my Mom!!). I love flying, driving, seeing new places, meeting new people, experiencing different cultures and lifestyles. One of my favorite quotes is from Saint Augustine: “The world is a book, and those who do not travel only read a page.” Yep!
It’s Friday and you just cashed your paycheck….what’s your first splurge?
Uh Oh! That’s a dangerous place to go! I would probably go splurge on a great new bag and/or a pair of shoes!! And then I would head to my Happy Place, HEB Plus, where I would grocery shop to my little heart’s content, splurging on Jeff, Clyde and Natasha!
What’s your customer service philosophy?
Don’t be afraid to be a goofball! The Hospitality Industry can be so much fun, and since this is the majority of my client portfolio (and my career for 14 years before I joined Signature), I want these kiddoes to have as much fun with it as possible. If it takes me telling goofy stories about me, acting like a goofball, or simply goofing on myself and them, then I’m all for it! To me, the most impactful training classes are when we can all have fun while learning.
Top 5 places you’re dying to visit:
Australia, Europe, China, any part of the US I have not had the chance to visit…yet!!
Norma groupWhat is your most memorable training success story?
Wow, this is tough. I have been with Signature for 13 1/2 years, and I have two clients in my portfolio who have been with us (me) for 12 years, and a couple of others who have been with us/me for 8+ years. To me, retaining these customers for that amount of time is a huge success story. I feel as if I am a part of their teams, and have witnessed several of their associates ‘climb the ladder’ into higher positions within their companies. I like to think that I am a part of that success, even if in a small way!

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