Organized Randomness- Mystery Shopping Call Scheduling

randomToday’s guest blog is written by Lisa Dimin, Director of Call Center Operations at Signature Worldwide.

Organized– arranged or planned in a particular way

Random– without definite aim, direction, rule or method

These two words seem like they would never go together but, when it comes to scheduling mystery shopping calls, they work hand in hand.

Scheduling Signature Worldwide’s mystery shopping calls is a very organized and managed process. Our Schedulers know exactly how many calls need to be done on each day on each shift in order to ensure that all the calls are completed by the end of the each month. There are reports upon reports that we use to manage this process. We know how many calls a customer has at any given time, how many more calls they need and how many more opportunities we have to get these calls done. In one word, it is very ORGANIZED.

So you may be asking yourself, “Where does the randomness come into play?” This is 100% based on our Shoppers’ and our clients’ schedules. Our Shoppers have unique and flexible schedules. Each week they tell us the days of the week and times of the day they would like to work. This means that their availability to work changes from day to day and week to week. At the beginning of each week, we have no idea which Shoppers we will have available to us, just that we will have a pool of people to make the calls we need completed each day. And then….. we have the clients’ schedules. Like our Shoppers, each of our clients has a unique and flexible schedule. These schedules are determined by asking some of the following questions: What time zone are they in? What hours are they open? How many calls need to be made during the AM time or the PM time? Who are calling? Is there a hurricane somewhere in the US today? It is truly RANDOM.

So the next time you think about the words organized and random make sure you remember that they truly can work together to create true harmony.


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