Dave’s Fables: CARE

heart handsOften during long trips, my mind will spark a random thought.  It’s like a little box in my brain opens, releasing a provoking tidbit to ponder…This time the spark was a quote.  “The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones who care.”

I cannot connect this quote back to a specific time or to a life event – however it did start me reflecting. The formula I use, to see if something is worth thinking about, is to pick out one word in the thought that best sums it up.  I chose the world “Care”.  Then ask yourself – does “caring” affect my family, my friends, my job, or my world in general?  If the answer is “yes”, I continue, if the answer is “no”, I delete it and move on.

Next I drill the word down…Does caring mean to…fight for what’s right? – be stronger? – work harder? This direction quickly took me too far afield, where I was going to delete it when it hit me…In this quote, caring refers to the ability or willingness of an individual to listen.   

My years as a sales and service consultant/trainer have taught me that perception of caring often is the ability to listen. Pure understanding of the message – no assumptions.  Listening that can make or break a relationship (at least that is what my wife has told me for over 30 years).  In the business world, listening can be the difference between a corporate compliance or the difference in profit or loss.

Reality Check…One would be hard pressed to find an individual on this planet who has not felt that at one time or another they dealt with an individual that did not listen. We chalk it up to bad service or to a bad attitude. Caring is becoming so important every day – the world has made it very easy for everyone to vent frustrations or occasional praise…You can socially, to tell the world in seconds, with the touch of a button.

Circling back to the quote: “The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones who care.” Fact… to be better than your competition, to go beyond the expectations of the people you work and play with, and to listen without interrupting! These are the qualities exhibited by your “best” friends, your “dearest” family, and the companies you continue to support.

Moral of this thought:  If you take the time to listen – you will have the ability to care.  Care spawns trust – trust spawns loyalty! You never know who you are talking and listening to – may be someone who could positively change your life forever! 

I love random thoughts…

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