Coaches Corner – New training tool hits the airwaves

DSC03307-sq-webIt’s a blog post! It’s a video! It’s a Cue-Tip! No… it’s a podcast!

Bringing learning to our clients in formats that make it easiest for them to advance their skills is often a topic of conversation around the halls of Signature. One of the industries we serve is hospitality, and we know hotels operate 24/7, which means our clients don’t always keep regular hours. So how can we provide training tools to our clients who sometimes work late evenings, early mornings, or even in the middle of the night?

We created this blog, Training That Sticks, to provide helpful tips any time and a few months ago we began releasing our video coaching moments on the most frequently missed skills in our reservations magic formula. We launched our Cue-Tips program to provide weekly knowledge checks that our clients can access on their schedule and now, we are launching our Coaches Corner podcast series.

Our coaching team has produced, and will continue to create, a series of coaching conversations around the most frequently asked questions they receive. Every month our team receives thousands of calls from our clients asking for role plays or ideas on improving sales conversations. Our coaches are taking one topic per podcast and spending five to ten minutes focusing on some tips and insights into that one specific area of our training.

These podcasts will be available for our clients soon, but this is your sneak preview! To give you a hint of what is to come, check out this sample podcast:

This is all about everyone’s favorite topic – resistance questions. Look for future podcasts on topics like fallback options, benefits presentations and pushing rates.

We hope you enjoy our first podcast, and let us know if there are topics you would like us to discuss – we may even interview you on a future podcast!

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