Is your sales team feeling frustrated because they don't have the tools they need to sell in today's new environment? We can help.
Teach your sellers how to focus on the new buyer's journey and stand apart from their competitors using this new sales training process.
Here is what a recent participant told us: "In 35 years this is the best and most relevant training I have ever received!"
Program Overview
Sales training is a process, not a one-time event. Our program consists of pre-training research, onsite training, post training shopping and ongoing skill advancement modules. Your sales people will be continually learning, continually motivated and continually improving.
New Sales Strategies
Each step along that journey requires sellers to modify their approach and sales strategy to meet the buyers earlier in their journey and to make a lasting impression.
New Tools
Take advantage of the new digital tools that can help today's sellers interact more frequently, position themselves as valuable resources and STAND APART from their competitors!
The New Result
More leads, more closed sales - and the biggest win - better relationships with you customers!
Introducing the NEW Sales Funnel
We've recast the sales funnel into a model that works for today's buyer's journey.
They Dream, We Inspire
Often your prospects don't even realize they have a need in this phase - so your strategy is to create awareness and convince them to question the status quo.
They Explore, We Guide
This phase is all about creating relationships by positioning yourself as a valuable resource.
They Inquire, We Captivate
You now begin to align your solution with their business problem - but it's critical in this phase to be first and fabulous!
They Decide, We Persuade
Very rarely do we get to sell to just one buyer - on average there are now 6.8 different people involved with a purchase decision. How can your sellers effectively persuade all of them?
They Experience, We Create Memorable
The sales funnel begins to widen at this point because the selling process doesn't stop at the point of purchase - it continues, and the scope is broadened.
They Share, We Create Advocates
Creating customer advocates is a valuable sales tool - asking for referrals, sharing social posts, it's all part of the new sales process.

Download our product card for more information:
Stand Apart Sales™
Is your sales team feeling frustrated because they don’t have the tools they need to sell in today’s new environment? Teach your sellers how to focus on the new buyer’s journey and stand apart from their competitors using this new sales training process.